nos années de solitude, Biennale_Orleans, Karine dana, lacaton&Vassal, construire l'échappement

Nos années de solitude

#2 Biennale Architecture, Orléans 11.10.19 – 19.01.20

Writing, production and editing of nine films on the main projects of the Lacaton & Vassal office and a poetic conversation with the architects.

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inservituden arc en rêve, karine dana


arc en rêve, Bordeaux 19.06.19 - 03.11.19

Writing of 40 texts devoted to the most promising projects of the idea of freedom, from the collection of arc en rêve, architecture center.

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accessibles par nature

accessibles par nature

arc en rêve, Bordeaux, 28.03.19 - 26.05.19

Creation and screening of the documentary « Incursions » as part of the exhibition

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collection paysages 1987-2017

arc en rêve, Bordeaux 14.09.17 - 01.10.17

Texts and interviews dedicated to contemporary landscape thinking

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