Le portique rouge et bleu

Inessa Hansch

How else can a public space a priori dedicated to sport be experienced? Through its elementary design, the Red and Blue Portico has become a real place of attachment, rest and daydreams for all the inhabitants of Le Havre.

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des rêves en belvédère

Inessa Hansch architecte

Sensitive immersion in a public space in belvedere arranged in the heart of the mining basin by the architect Inessa Hansch.

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Construire l’échappement

dunkerque, nantes, bordeaux, mulhouse, etc.

A story of air, void and light through the main projects of Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal

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concours Institut Gustave Roussy

Data architectes et grue.paysagistes

An architectural competition told as an assembly of fragments from “reference” buildings and computer-generated images.

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